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MA Programs

Maha Accelerator  runs several programs for startups, msme and growth stage companies looking for mentorship, growth and scale-up. We host three major 20 week programs for startups through out the year. Startups of all stage get benefitted. Startups & MSME's of various stages come to MA.
Some of you who just started business and figuring out the journey can also apply for the programs. We welcome everyone who has the zeal of entrepreneurship. We will boost the potential companies with funding support. Startups are suppose to be vulnerable and its okay. We understand the journey of a small business and entrepreneurs with Billion dollar dreams. We bring the world class mentors who are rich in experience and knowledge.  

MA Program journey that starts with 1: 1 and meeting, understanding, expectation setting really opens up entrepreneurs to understand the core of challenges in running business and how together we can scale it. 20 weeks are of transformation and upskilling as a entrepreneur. MA acts as a rocket fuel to your growth engine. To grow, you need environment of highly motivated and hustling people. We have a founders community that engages time to time with entrepreneurs. provides education and knowhow of everything from product development to cross boarder scaleup, from early stage small funds to millions of dollars support. Our founders told us, 20 weeks program they were part of are the best 20 weeks of their lives as entrepreneur. 

The biggest challenge according to us as entrepreneur people face is not having right conditions, environment and like minded people to surround with.  We are here for YOU ! 

Growth Acceleration scale up

Growth Acceleration program designed for companies who are generating revenue's above INR 1 Crore. The challenges in this stage are very much defined and crisp. They are in phase of four things : 

To have a product more likable to users by which your user base will increase. 

To figure out ways to increase the revenues and sources. 
To organize and restructure the company to reduce the operational challenges & expenses. 
To raise money and investment to expand the business. 
 Apply Now  to participate in our Next Growth Scaleup program.

Early Acceleration scale up

Early revenues are crucial stage for every entrepreneur. You have finally figured out that the idea, product, technology, manufacturing Unit that you were working on has received some market validation. There is a willingness of user to associate with your company. However Just because you have some users, some customers doesn't mean your business will be on growth journey. We often find interests fade away of users, as you start growing operationally technically and logistically, companies start facing the heat and eventually founders face the unexpected problems. 
At Maha Accelerator, we bring community of founders with experiences, Mentors and subject matter experts with in depth knowledge of industry and businesses. In Early stages, guidance and mentorship plays big role. Minor tweaks in companies journey can make exponential progressive growth.

Early days of companies required fast paced growth trajectory. Early acceleration scaleup program will upskill entrepreneurs with Tools, frameworks and various models and methodologies. 

 Apply Now  to participate in our Early Acceleration Scaleup program.

Venture Studio scale up

Entrepreneurs with all possible resources but fighting alone in their businesses requires supportive system. We understand how stressful, lonely and painful journey it is to run a business without partner or companion in leadership positions. We have Venture scaleup program for such companies who are fighting alone & desperately in need of partners to run business. Running business alone is a very exhaustive and drains a lot of your energy, having a partner such as Maha Accelerator will be a great support.  During Venture Studio Scaleup program, We get 360 degree understanding of your business and assess the support you look for and we will work together to achieve the set goals in three to six months based on the need of business. Apply to us and you will never be hustling alone.

 Apply Now  to our Venture Studio program.
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