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'Maha' Journey 

"It takes decades of work to make over night success."


That is what people say most of the time, but decade in todays world is big time. Businesses are suppose to grow exponentially, founders hustle, they work 24*7 to make things right, process faster and thrive to multiply the business. Companies from Metro cities often get support due to environment and communities developed in city however entrepreneurs from small towns and small cities were never got right set of people, guidance, mentorship and funding opportunities due to which the journey as entrepreneur of small town was extremely difficult.


Maha Accelerator is born to support the need of MSME and Startups working in Small towns and cities. We are on mission of creating entrepreneurship friendly environment in smaller towns and cities. Our goal is to make entrepreneurship less difficult for people with less resources and ack of funding opportunities.  


Maha Accelerator Global runs several initiatives for startups & MSME's of small towns. We have a pool of 100 plus mentors spread across the globe in Asia, South East Asia, LATAM, Africa, New Zealand, Australia and other several Nations. Our motto is make India country of entrepreneurs with footprints pan globally. Internally we have vast network of Industrialists, business owners and stalwart leaders who have experience of running businesses for decades, A network of Businessman expanded their businesses globally. We also partnered with several communities and networks that are dedicated to specific sectors. We invest in startups and we have created pool of funders and investors to support the startups and businesses associating with us.


























Startup Acceleration Programs

Maha Accelerator runs several programs to boost the startups from small towns. We have customized program into three categories mainly.

Incubation : It starts from companies that Early or a minimum viable stage where they are figuring out the product and business model/revenue model for the products.
Early Stage Acceleration : Companies that found the product market fit, doing some stable businesses with high potential to grow but requires handholding and mentorship. Guidance and small funding boosts are crucial at this stage. Its a 20 week acceleration program.
Growth Stage Acceleration Program : Exponential and scale is a dream of all entrepreneurs. Our job is to make dream come true. We bring pool of mentors, funders, investors to  support startups taken into growth acceleration program.

Entrepreneurs and businesses who are looking to scale the venture, mentorship support and funding opportunities, they can directly apply here.


Maha Accelerator will invest up to 1 Crore in fundable businesses. We have team of Investment professionals and consultants who have successfully completed deal flows and investments for more than 180 startups and scrutinized  1000 plus startups globally. We believe in constructive feedback to founders who applied to us. We also have network of 100 plus Investment firms and venture capital companies to boost the addtional fund support required to the startups.


Maha Accelerator conducts several events through out the year to develop the ecosystem and boost the entrepreneurial zeal. We educated entrepreneurs of small towns, connect them with the rest of the world. Through events we make sure the entrepreneurs feel connected to us and they have some who understands the painful and lonely journey. Maha Accelerator events are where entrepreneurs find the most valuable support. 

One on One's

The best thing about Maha Accelerator is we hold meetups, Meet with entrepreneurs every week. We run regular one on one meets where we avail ourselves a day twice a week to speak with entrepreneurs not part of Maha Accelerator but looking for support. 

Keep the track of our social platforms to engage with us. 

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