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We understand the pain, challenges & how lonely it is to run business from small towns. Apply to us and we will work together to build your dream. 
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Global network of mentors
Investment & Fund Support
Grassroot work with SME


80% of the time success of business depend on people you partner with. We support founders to make companies great.

We understand the struggle small town founders face. The confusion, doubts and urge to have supporting people who understand state of your mind.
We put companies on growth trajectory. Your dream is not yours anymore. its ours. We sit with you to understand challenges and address them
Investment at right time is crucial for businesses. We have a vast network of Investors and serial entrepreneurs, industrialists to boost your business
Success of your business is solely depend on how fast you scale. Our job is to reduce the time by bringing network, knowledge, funds and right set of guidance
  • 20 week scaleup program
  • Up to 1 Crore fund support
  • 3 to 10 Mentors / company
  • Structured & custom journey 
  • Community of 2K entrepreneurs
  • lifelong Assistance post program

We are No non-sense, Sector Agnostic Accelerator. 

  • We will not take 15% of your company or Run your business. We are rocket fuel to your Growth engine
  • Business is top most priority so entire program structured on Day 1. Your daily work won't be affected
  • We will not connect you to people unless its in interest of company. Our goal is strictly to scale your venture.
  • We don't take company in program unless we are confident of providing support to founder & startup
  • Our Acceptance rate is 8 % so we expect seriousness & efforts from founders about program 


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